Welcome to the online gallery of Pop Culture Artist David O'Keefe. Thousands have visited his retail galleries in St. Armands Circle, Sarasota and Tampa, Florida and or seen his work at exclusive galleries and resorts worldwide.
Enjoy the unique images and find the perfect piece of pop culture art for yourself or as a gift for someone special.
A Thoroughly Unique Look at the World Through a Pop Art Lens
Art is style. It often imitates life, but there are times when it goes down its own path with results that explode with wit and outrageous character. That is the experience you have when you explore the art of David O’Keefe. It is blend of caricature with color delivered in a truly unique pop art manner which makes you pause with recognition of the subject before the depiction attacks your funny bone.
The Same, Yet Different
The Dude, Bill Murray, Aretha Franklin, Marilyn Monroe. You’ve seen all these people before, but you haven’t really seen them until you’ve experienced their portraits as rendered in the inimitable style of pop artist David O’Keefe. You can easily point to the print or sculpture and say “That’s Clint Eastwood from The Outlaw Josey Wales” or “Hey, I love Animal House.”
Don’t think you won’t find a piece of art you won’t like or aren’t familiar with when you explore the works here. If you’ve ever seen a movie, watched pro sports, or looked at an entertainment magazine, then it’s a safe bet you have a character which is your favorite, or a sports figure you idolize. The odds are pretty darn good you’ll find a representation of that person in one of the images which have flowed from the imagination and somewhat skewed thoughts of Mr. O’Keefe.
Something for Everyone
Do you want the Dalai Lama on your beach towel or The Godfather on your yoga mat? Then you’ve come to the right place as the range of pop culture art products graced with the creations of the artist is a long one.
This is art which is accessible and made for more than being displayed on the walls of a gallery or museum. It’s portable art which blends nicely with the whimsical subject matter. It is art of quality but also funny art, and that means Happy Gilmore on a pillow or The Big Lebowski on a shower curtain. What could be more fun and practical to boot?
Do yourself and your sense of humor a favor by exploring and embracing the art of David O’Keefe. The value of art is in the eye of the beholder, and with this art, you will behold a lot of fun.
Contact us to scratch your pop culture itch. We proudly serve art lovers around the world from our Florida location.